
Years of experience in recruitment and language training


Years of experience in recruitment and language training


Years of experience in recruitment and language training


Years of experience in recruitment and language training

Check our courses

Paragona has 20 years of experience in language training. More than 1000 doctors have relocated to the UK, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany and France with our help. Now, we invite you to join our online medical language and OET preparation courses.


What language can you learn with us?

Check our language courses, which are designed entirely for medical professionals. We carefully select the vocabulary and terminology, that is crucial and current in the medical field. That is why we have helped over 1100 medical professionals get new possibilities.

What students are saying?

Krzysztof Gierak1

I appreciate their individual approach to customers, their creativity, their punctuality and the fact that they are simply reliable. You can always count on help, even in emergencies and situations requiring rapid action.

Krzysztof Gierak2

I appreciate their individual approach to customers, their creativity, their punctuality and the fact that they are simply reliable. You can always count on help, even in emergencies and situations requiring rapid action.

Krzysztof Gierak3

I appreciate their individual approach to customers, their creativity, their punctuality and the fact that they are simply reliable. You can always count on help, even in emergencies and situations requiring rapid action.

Krzysztof Gierak4

I appreciate their individual approach to customers, their creativity, their punctuality and the fact that they are simply reliable. You can always count on help, even in emergencies and situations requiring rapid action.

Krzysztof Gierak5

I appreciate their individual approach to customers, their creativity, their punctuality and the fact that they are simply reliable. You can always count on help, even in emergencies and situations requiring rapid action.

Krzysztof Gierak6

I appreciate their individual approach to customers, their creativity, their punctuality and the fact that they are simply reliable. You can always count on help, even in emergencies and situations requiring rapid action.

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